Framing The Indian Constitution - Whole Story ( in Brief ) : Rounit Sinha


1) Foundation of Indian Constitution : Dec , 1946
2) Shri Nand Lal Bose and his team frames each and every portraits on Indian Constitution which is based on and also which depicts different communities of India. 

Here are some glimpse of Images made by Shri Nand Lal Bose on the beautiful pages of Indian Constitution .
Image result for images in indian constitutionImage result for images in indian constitutionImage result for images in indian constitution

3) Real copy of Indian Constitution was handwritten in a beautiful way by Shri Prem Bihari Raijada .

Here are some Glimpse of original copy of Handwritten Constitution of India :
Indian Constitution: 26 Facts You Did Not Know About The Indian ...The flowy cursive in the Indian Constitution : PenmanshipPorn

Let's start the Topic .... Stay Tuned And know whole story behind Formation of Indian Constitution in brief by Rounit Sinha :-))

FORMATION OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION                       brief by Rounit Sinha                           


First a brief on Cabinet Misiion & Objectives Resolution :
Cabinet Mission was a high-powered mission sent in February 1946 to India by the Atlee Government (British Prime Minister.) The mission had three British cabinet members – Pethick Lawrence, Stafford Cripps, & and A.V. Alexander.
Objectives Resolution : Before the framing of the constitution started, an Objectives Resolution (the resolution that defined the aims of the Assembly) was moved by Nehru in 1946. This resolution enshrined the aspirations and values behind the Constitution making.
So, scene starts ,
One British reporter asked Mahatma Gandhi that , What would you do with this spinning wheel Mr. Gandhi ?
Gandhi Bapu replied , It is my secret weapon which gives me more power to make my India free from Britishers and we Indians will own our ' SWARAJ'.
Britishers were still playing with Indians Unity  as per the DIVIDE AND RULE policy of Britishers they had now played their last trick . 
In 1935 , Britishers implemented GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT due to which now there was some conflicts started growing between Indian National Congress and Muslim League .
During World War - II , in 1945 as British Troops getting weaker day by        day ,  Dr. Tej Bahadur Sabru called a meeting of all parties to make the constitution of India  but Mohammed Ali Jinnah (founder of Pakistan) had blurred vision about  INC ( Indian National Congress ) that it is the parties of Hindus because it's majority is Hindu Religion . So , Jinnah Sahab wants something for the protection of Muslims ( it's his perspective not mine ) So he proposed either  One India Two Constituion or Partition of India .
What is One India Two constitution ?
Mohammed Ali Jinnah proposed Muslim Majorities states along with Bengal and Assam under One constitution and Rest of India under other Constitution and no partition of India , but Sardar Patel and many more leaders of INC was not agreed this proposal . So Jinnah Sahab demands for Partition of India . 
16 May , 1946 : Day of the Agreement
The Cabinet Mission Plan was a statement made by the Cabinet Mission and the Viceroy, Lord Wavell, on May 161946, that contained proposals regarding the constitutional future of India in the wake of Indian political parties and representatives not coming to an agreement.
INC did't want partition of India but they also not agreed with Jinnah's proposal of One India Two Constituion so, 
on 16th June , 1946 INC made their meeting and declared that they will lead the government but Mahatma Gandhi don't want this because he knows this will lead breakdown of unity of India . So, on the evening of 16th June , 1946 Bapu Gandhi leaves Delhi . 
Mohammed Ali Jinnah and the whole Muslim league was against the proposal that INC will lead the new Government of India so by the action of Mohammed Ali Jinnah on 16th Aug , 1946 violent movement started in Kolkata . and from 16th to 19th of Aug , 1946 about 3000+ people were assainated in Kolkata and then Bihar and other states of India became graveyard .
Then on 15th October , 1946  - Sardar VallabhBhai Patel became Home Minister & Liaquat Ali Khan from muslim league became Finance Minister . 
In Dec , 1946 Mr. Jinnah Vs Mr. Nehru Cold War started .
On 9th Dec , 1946 First meeting of Constituent Assembly was held in PARLIAMENT in New Delhi But Muslim League had not gathered there.
Mahatma Gandhi was also not present in Parliament on 9th Dec , 1946.
Dr . Rajendra Prasad appointed as 1st President of India(undivided India) and he took oath by Dr. Sacchidanand Sinha.
Bapu JagJivan Ram went to meet Mahatma Gandhi and asked Bapu about his views on the new government of India . 
Mahatma Replied : Person involved in the legislature and jurisdiction of the ruling party must think about poor people  . Before  doing anything  for the country or on the behalf of country he/she must have a thought in his/her mind that Is my choice help poor people of this country or not .
On 13th Dec , 1946 - Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru  proposed Aims And Objectives resolution for The Constituion Of India , which includes a total of 8 points having brief mentioned of Equality , Freedom of Speech , Faith , Secularism ... and etc.


Mohammed Ali Jinnah said Muslim League would inform the constituent assembly till 20th Jan , 1947 that they will come be a part of Constituent Assembly or not .

So, by the order of Shri Rajendra Prasad and acceptance of Constituent assembly , The Aims & Resolutions postponed till 21st Jan , 1947.

In between 13th Dec , 1946 to 21st Jan  , 1947 , Clement Attlee ( former Prime Minister, UK) said in an Interview that constituent assembly is the assembly of Hindu Religion(Majoriy of India)  and it forces the minorities of India to follow rules bided by the Majority .
On the reply of this , Shri Rajendra Prasad announces the number of participants of Constituent assembly in next meeting.

According to the statistics given by Rajendra Prasad Ji 210/296 members were Participated in Constituent Assembly in which 
155 are Hindus , 30 are Scheduled Caste , 5 Sikhs , 5 Tribes , 6 Indian Christ. , 3 Anglo Indians , 4 Muslims and 3 Parsis .
So , accornding to these statistics it is proved that Constituent Assembly is not formed only of Majorities.

On 20th Jan Jinnah Sahab didn't came 
so On 22nd Jan Aims and Resolution had passed in Constituent Assembly

Hamiddulah Khan - Nawab of Bhopal was against Pt. Nehru's Aims and Resolution for Constitution of India and he called the Media and gave Interview about his thought on Pt. Nehru's Idea for Constitution .
So , Hamidullah Khan proposes the resolution of Chamber of Princes.

As Constituent  Assembly passed the Aims and Objectives without the involvement of Muslim League So Jinnah Sahab got an excuse to prove himself right that the INC is a Hindu Party and would never be with Muslim Minority. 
So Mohammed Ali Jinnah met Lord Mountbatten (Last Viceroy of India ) and proposes partition of India , Punjab and Bengal provinces also.

On 3rd June , 1947 on All India Radio , Lord Mountbatten shared his speech and mentioned clearly about Partition of India , Bengal and Punjab Provinces.

On 22nd July , 1947 Pandit Nehru announced Indian National Flag a.k.a Tiranga in the constituent assembly . 

Smt Sucheta Kripalani sang National Song ( Vande Mataram ) in the assembly hall on midnight of 14-15 Aug , 1947.

12 am , 15th Aug 1947 , Rajendra Prasad and whole member of constituent assembly took a pledge read by Rajendra Prasad Ji 
अब जबकि हिंसवासियो ने त्याग और तप से स्वतंत्रता हासिल कर ली है , मैं __________ जो इस विधान परिषद् का एक सदस्य हू....

Smt Hansa Mehta projects National Flag of India in constituent assembly on the behalf of whole woman community of India . 
Smt Hansa Mehta sang Sare Jahan Se Acha Hindustan Hamara written by  Muhammad Iqbals .
 For the very first time Jana Gana Mana.... National Anthem of India was sung by all members of constituent assembly. 

Mahatma Gandhi was in Kolkata at that time and he had given advice to the government
Be Humble 
Be Aware of Power
Do not let yourself be trapped by peasentry.
Remember you  are in your office to help poors in the villages of India

Step - 3 Independent India ; Righting Fundamental wrongs with Fundamental rights

20th Aug , 1947 -Next Constituent Assemby 

Shri Benegal Narsingh Rao was appointed as Head for Constitution and a group of Scrutiny Committee (Drafting Committee) having total of 7 members were formed .
7 members are :
  1. Dr B.R Ambedkar(Head of Committee) 

  2.       Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar 
  3. N . Gopalaswami Ayyanagr 
  4. Shri K . M . Munshi K M Munshi.jpg
  5. Syed Mohammed Saadullah 
  6. Mr. D. P. Khaitan (no image available)
  7. Shri B. L. Mitter (no image available)
Dr Ambedkar with Constitution Drafting Committee Members. : india
Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution : Group Photo

24th March 1948 : Drafting Committee Meeting decided Fundamental Rights.


Now the framework of the constitution was in the 11th hour . On 4th Nov , 1948 again committee held and now all the rights decided by drafting committee was announced in the hall but some of the members wants some substitution . 
Like , 
LARI SAHAB  demands for right to education .

MUNISWAMMY PILLAY  demands for reservation for harijans (minorities)

MAHAVIR TYAGI  said reservation would be based on economic wealth of the family not on religion .

 DAMODAR SWAROOP SETH demands for right to freedom of press.

.......and many more .

Step  5 - Strengthening The Weak: Minority, Women and Backward Rights

Demands of political rights for minorities were started from 1916 but the Britishers didn't gave them those rights.
In 1936 when again these demands arose and when  Mahatma Gandhi  came to know about it then he was totally against it and to boycott this he goes on death strike . 
Mr. Ambedkar wants to give special rights to minorities .
After sometime Mr Ambedkar agreed with Mr Gandhi and both signed famous POONA ACT .
Some was against POONA pact and some was with it . Some wants reservation for government jobs while some wants reservation for universities .
 Meanwhile Rajkumari Amrit Kaur demands for reservation to Women too.
Constitutional committee abolishes the custom of  UNTOUCHABILITY  and announced it as a criminal offence . 
PT K M MUNSHI  wants that these reservation must be abolished until the HARIJANS became free from shadow of untouchability .
Some were against reservation and some were with it . 

STEP 6 - Whose Land is it?: Land Reforms and Acquisition

Shayamnandan Sahay said Right to property must be added to the constitution and he further said to give a handsome compensation to all those landlords whose lands will be acquired by govt for public purposes.

On 10th Sep , 1949 PT. Nehru gives an amendment having two points:
1) On a single property the landlord
2) & all govt both have right on it.
but Zamindars wants a handsome amount in form of compensation .

16th MAY , 1951  PT Nehru came with Article 31 which deals with Abolishment of the Zamindari System by giving suitable compensation .
Now , Dr. Ambedkar came and introduces a new article i.e., Article 31A which says that , 1) it permit a state to acquire estates and secondly when legislation is to taken under to acquire estates nothing in the fundamental rights shall affects such legislation.

STEP 7 - Link Language: Hindi or Hindustani

First of all know the basic terms about languages , i.e., 1) Hindustani Language , 2) Hindi Language and 3) Urdu language . 

 Hindustani language is the mixture of Hindi as well as Urdu 
While the Urdu language is based on FARSI language and Hindi language is based on SANSKRIT .

So , in the committee  some member want HINDI as official language or some want URDU as well as few are there standing on behalf of HINDUSTANI language too.
While PT NEHRU & MAHATMA GANDHI  want HINDUSTANI as official language of INDIA (because it is mixture of HINDI and URDU)

IN 1947 before division of INDIA and PAKISTAN the officials had set the HINDUSTANI language as the official language and they also confirms that if someone wants to write in DEVNAGREE LIPI (Hindi) or in FARSI LIPI (Urdu). but as India and Pakistan got divided the Hindustani language also gets divided and now HINDI is the official language of India and English is the second official language of India.

STEP 8 - Federalism: Linking the States and the Centre

Some power had given to Central government  and some power is given to the state government to make the  distribution of Fundamental rights in a smooth manner and which is the backbone of largest democracy of World i.e., INDIA .

STEP 9 - Three Pillars: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary .

LegislatureExecutive and Judiciarythree pillars of Indian Democracy. The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary are the three main organs of the government. These organs do not work in isolation to each other but are interdependent to ensure proper and systematic functioning of the government.

STEP 10 (FINAL STEP) - From Preamble to the Final Draft and beyond

PREAMBLE is the philosophical view of the CONSTITUTION OF INDIA.
On MAY , 1949  Dr. B R Ambedkar read the new and great preamble for the very first time in the constituent assembly.

It takes 2 years 11 months and 17 days to form the great Constitution of INDIA.


Thank you !!


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