Why on Independence Day National Flag hoisted on RED FORT only ?
HAPPY INDE PEND ENCE DAY Why National Flag of India " TIR A NGA " hoisted on RED FORT only? RED FORT (situated in Old Delhi) When India was slave of Britishers then on Red Fort flag of britishers was hoisted but fortunately when India got freedom in 1947 (on 15th Aug , 1947 ,12:00am , celebrated as Independence Day) . " Tiranga "was hoisted at same place of Red Fort where before independence of India flag of british empire was hoisted . Read full article and know about this.... At the time of mughal emperor Shah Jahan(full name : A'la Azad Abul Muzaffar Shahab ud-Din Mohammad Shah Jahan ) the capital pf mughal empire was Agra where they had a fort but as day-by-day mughal empire was increasing rapidly Shah Jahan wants a big fort . So , all the architect of that time started searching about a suitable place to build there fort across whole India . Finally they found a suitable place near the bank of Yamuna ( Delhi) . As we know Mughals reshaped...